An Intergenerational Family Squabble

Dear Italian readers,

Watch this short video. A Sicilian grandmother is talking to her granddaughter who lives in the U.K.
The old Italian woman is speaking in Sicilian and the kid doesn’t understand a word and responds to her grandmother in gibberish trying to imitate her sound. The little girl doesn’t speak Sicilian or Italian but she wants to give it a try in a funny way.
Isn’t language fantastic? How similar is this kid’s behavior to our method of learning Italian We should all emulate this kid’s spirit in our classes.
Welcome to our 2016 Winter session!

Click on the picture to watch the short video


PLIDA Certification Ceremony

Ciao a tutti!

We would like to congratulate all our brilliant students who successfully passed the  PLIDA exams and took the PLIDA certification!

Congratulazioni a Joe Castro, Nevila Dhima e Kris Adams per la certificazione PLIDA A1, Maxwell CoenJean Locicero Shankle per la certificazione PLIDA A2, Brooke Chamberlain Cook e  Carl Iovanni per la certificazione PLIDA B1,  Scott Sminkey, Henry DeBenedetto, Krysten Modrzejeski per la certificazione PLIDA  B2, Katherine Rao per la certificazione PLIDA B2 e C1!

Siamo orgogliosi di voi, siete studenti BRAVISSIMI!!!!

Here are a few pictures of the PLIDA certification ceremony during the last Open House, December 1st 2015.

Also, we would like to warmly thank our President, Mr Anthony Cassano for his support, Prof. Cecilia Mattii, Director of the PLIDA program, Sal Bramante, VP of the Dante Alighieri Society and Language Coordinator Maria Cristiano for overseeing the PLIDA Certification Project!

Congratualazioni a Katherine Rao per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA B2 e C1! Da sin. Emanuele Capoano, il presidente Anthony Cassano, la prof. Cecilia Mattii, la Language Coordinator Maria Cristiano e Katherine Rao.


Congratulazioni a Joe Castro per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA A1!! Da sin. Joe Castro, il presidente Anthony Cassano, la professoresssa Cecilia Mattii e la Language Coordinator Maria Cristiano.

Bravissima Kristen Modrzejeski per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA B2!!!

Congratulazioni a Henry DeBenedetto per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA B2!!!

Bravissimo Maxwell Cohen per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA A2!

Bravissimo Scott Sminkey per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA B2!

Congratulazioni a Jean Locicero Shankle per il conseguimento della certificazione PLIDA A2!

Da sin. Katherine Rao, Emanuele Capoano e Henry DeBenedetto.

La cerimonia della consegna dei diplomi di certificazione PLIDA.

Open House for Winter 2016

Discover Italy Without Leaving Boston? Now You Can! Join Us!

Get a sense of what it will be like taking classes at the Dante by attending our winter trimester.

Open House will be on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Students will be able to:

Evening program:

  • between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM there will be a Commencement for students who have successfully passed their PLIDA Exams A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
  • between 7:30 PM and 7:45 PM there will be a presentation by one of our students who was awarded a fellowship to “Scuola Dante Alighieri” in Camerino – Italy

 New and current students are welcome!

Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts, Inc.

41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA 021399

Tel.  617-301-8354




Cari studenti e studentesse,

there is a great new podcast for Italian learners. And it’s for free! It’s recorded by the Educational Office at the Italian Consulate in Boston. You can listen to the easy news in a slow pace and it is for all levels. You can also download the transcript under each clip.


Also, there is a photo contest  issued by the Italian Embassy in U.S. Take a picture that creatively showcases what you’re most thankful for about Italy and its culture. The picture, which can be taken in either the United States or Italy, must be an original image. 

When you have your photo ready, submit it here and/or through Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ItalyinUS by October 21st, 2015.

Monumenti e simboli italiani

Once submitted, Facebook users will have the chance to vote for their favorite photo. On October 22nd, 2015, the photos with the most votes will be deemed the winners, and each user will be rewarded with their appropriate prize.



Movies: The Mafia Kills Only in the Summer at Kendall and The Human Capital with Fabrizio Gifuni’s Theater Piece at Harvard

Spring Italian lessons have begun and here is an informative final presentation that our long term student Brooke Cook has completed for the B2 level class during the past winter session.  It is a comparison of the film La Dolce Vita by Fellini and the Oscar Awarded film La Grande Bellezza by Sorrentino.

E’ difficile non confrontare il film premio Oscar “La Grande Bellezza” con il film di Federico Fellini “La Dolce Vita”. Anche se La Grande Bellezza è stato girato in questo millennio, le trame dei due film sono davvero simili.

Entrambi cominciano con, e dividono, le scene simili … scene che annunciano una società in declino, con Roma come lo sfondo per questo deprimente messaggio.

Nel film “La Dolce Vita”, Fellini mette in evidenza, e deride, la società del consumismo in Italia, spronato dal boom economico degli anni sessanta.

Nel film “La Grande Bellezza” di Paolo Sorrentino, Roma è di nuovo il complimento per il messaggio che l’Italia è una società in declino elegante. E’ una società in cui il voyeurismo e l’incomunicabilità sono la norma, e dove c’è un senso di rassegnazione che le cose non cambieranno.

In entrambi film, ci sono molte scene simili di persone scontente – di persone che parlano molto, ma non dicono nulla, di persone che sono disconnessi da se stessi. Sono vuoti. Jep e Marcelo sono scrittori, ma sono bloccati e hanno perso la loro capacità di scrivere perché non riescono a trovare se stessi. Infatti Jep dice ad un certo punto del film: “Forse non ho molto da dire.”

Ho studiato il cinema italiano a BU questo semestre e ho guardato un sacco di film. Una cosa che sembra chiaro e’ che i registi italiani non evitano di mostrare l’Italia con tutti i suoi difetti e gli errori, e anche loro hanno la capacità di fornire una conoscenza profonda delle malattie sociali d’Italia. Ciò è vero nei due film qui e altri attraverso i decenni.

Diamo uno sguardo alla scena iniziale in “La Dolce Vita” e ditemi cosa vedete lì come simboli di declino.
Alcuni esempi:
Acquedotto in rovina
Statua di Gesù
Le ragazze sul tetto e piscina
Nuovi palazzi di appartamenti al contrario di San Pietro

The Beginning of LA DOLCE VITA by F. Fellini

Ora diamo un’occhiata alla prima scena de “La Grande Bellezza”.
Alcuni esempi:
Acqua, come simbolo di purezza
Morte del turista cinese
I cantici rispetto alla musica rock alla festa di Jep
L’ordine (dei coristi) rispetto al caos (dei ballerini alla festa di Jep)

The comparison between the two movies is an indepth look at Italian culture and here at the Dante this is a part of the teaching and learning experience.


Mark your calendar also for Sunday April 26 and April 27. – As part of the closing event in this year’s Italian Colloquium Series, Fabrizio Gifuni dialogues with Edinburgh Gadda Projects Director Federica Pedriali taking his cue from the Harvard screening of Paolo Virzì’s Human Capital (2013) (1h 51m).

Sunday 26 April, 4.00-7.00pm
Thompson Room, Barker Center
Harvard University
12 Quincy St – Cambridge MA 02138
Language: Italian
Admission: free

And, last but not least, a great event for this Spring: Lecture-performance by Fabrizio Gifuni based on his award-winning show “L’ingegner Gadda va alla guerra”. (See the link for more info), performed in Italian with English surtitles. (Sponsored by the Italian Consulate in Boston)

Monday 27 April 27, 5.00-7.00pm

Science Center, Theater C – Harvard University

1 Oxford Street – Cambridge MA 02138
Languages: English and Italian
Reception: Science Center Foyer, following event
Admission: free

“Torneranno i Prati” World Premiere: A Movie for the Great War Centennial

The Educational Office of Italian Consulate in Boston in collaboration with Dante Alighieri Society of Mass., under patronage and support from Italy Premiership, are proud to present:
Tuesday, November 4 | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge MA, a world premiere simultaneous screening of “Torneranno i prati” by acclaimed director Ermanno Olmi for the centennial of the 1st ‘Great War‘.
Prof. Spencer Di Scala, Historian, will introduce the movie.
WHEN: 4.30 PM – FREE admission.
All students are welcome to watch the movie and then continue the discussion in class. The film is in ITALIAN WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES.
Watch the set description here on this video: What is a trincea? How did soldiers use to live?
and these
-all movies are captioned in English-

The PLIDA Exams: Our students’ Certification Ceremony

Left, Prof.Maria Cristiano - Language Coordinator; in the middle Prof.Cecilia Mattii - Education Committee; on the right Prof. Carmen Merolla Language Examinator and Former Plida Language Coord.; behind, Laura Clerici


Here are the pictures of the PLIDA certification ceremony for the students that passed the May 2012 session.

M.Cristiano and Rose M.Adamo who passed the Level A1 Plida

M.Cristiano and Peter Czarnecki who passed the Levels A1 in November 2011 and Level A2 in May 2012

M.Cristiano and Caterina Rao who passed the Level A2

Prof. Spencer DiScala, President, and Megan Cuocco Hempstead who passed the level A1

M.Cristiano and Henry DeBenedetto who passed the Level A1

M.Cristiano and John Cannon who passed the Level A1

President Prof. DiScala, M.Cristiano and Thomas Barbar who passed the Level A1

Congratulations also to Brigitte Anelli who wasn’t present at the party, but she passed the Level A1 in May 2012, too. Last but not least, we don’t forget the “brava” Allison Longley who passed the level A2 and now she won a scholarship to study in Italy.

Thank you also to Comm. Lino Rullo, President of Education Committee for his efforts.

President Prof. DiScala, Prof. Maria Cristiano and Prof. Carmen Merolla

Thank you also to our President Comm. Spencer Di Scala, PhD, and Prof. Cecilia Mattii for going ahead with PLIDA certification project

In addition, we asked our students why you should learn Italian. We chose the following response as the best one. It is explains why studying Italian can make all the difference.

I grew up listening to the sounds of the Italian language spoken by my grandparents and my mother, but I never learned to speak Italian.  As teenagers, all four of my grandparents emigrated from Sicily to Boston.  As first generation Americans, my parents were determined to raise me as an “American”.   Assimilation, not multiculturalism, was the driving force of the day.  Therefore, although the Italian ladies of the neighborhood would visit and speak Italian with my mother, only English was spoken to me.  It is my dream to learn Italian, perhaps live for a period of time In Italy, and finally understand those beautiful sounds from my childhood.  (R.M.Adamo)

Si comincia!

Buongiorno Estate!
We are starting our blog at the beginning of summer 2012! What a nice occasion to interact with our students and share our passion for teaching Italian.

Italian is the language of music, art, cinema, fashion, cuisine, literature, poetry and philosophy, and it is also the language of 60 million residents of the Bel Paese and Italians all over the world.

Stay tuned to this blog to learn about our lessons. And if you are planning a trip to Italy you can learn about also what to say when you get there. We hope that all of our readers will contribute your thoughts and comments about Italian culture in this space.

Ci vediamo a lezione!